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String extensions

You can use orAnonymousUrl, orWhiteUrl, orBlackUrl to display anonymous, or white, black iamge when the string of the url is empty string.

    photoUrl: my!.photoUrl.orAnonymousUrl,

ifEmpty and or have same functionality that if the string is empty, it will use the parameter value. Note that it's not working if the string is null.

upTo cuts the string to a specific length from the beginning.

sanitize removes special characters.

cut function cuts a string to a specific length, including cutting any special characters in the middle. It combines both the upTo and sanitize functions into one.

isEmail checks if a string is an email address.

tryInt and tryDouble convert a string into an integer and a double, respectively. If the conversion fails, they return null.

replace takes a map of data and replaces all occurrences of the data in the string.