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Dynamic Link

Fireflutter provides a way to implement dynamic links using cloud function and Firebase Hosting. It will require to configure the manifest file for Android and Associated Domains for Apple.



In AndroidManifest.xml, add the following:

    android:exported="true" >
    <!-- Add this in activity -->
    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <!-- Accepts URIs that begin with https://YOUR_HOST.COM -->
            android:host="YOUR_HOST.COM" />

Check out this reference for more details on how to add this in Android app.


Thru Xcode, add the Associated Domains in the Signing & Capabilities.

example: applinks:YOUR_HOST

or update the runner entitlements file in ios folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Check out this reference for more details on how to add this in iOS app.

Saving the Well Known Files

Well known files (assetlinks.json and apple-app-site-association), are used to validate app linking.

The values can be saved in Firestore collection, "_link_".

Be reminded to add the proper rules to access the collection in Firestore.

match /_deeplink_/{deeplink} {
    allow read: if true;

That will depend on how you made the rules.

Android assetlinks.json

For android, in Firestore on the "_link_" collection, save it under document "android" using the app bundle id (as field name) and the array of sha 256 (as value):

For example: [ "B2:9A:DC:EF:36:56:61:97:EB:AC:7A:BA:75:8C:EB:C7:BD:73:F7:D7:B0:6A:F2:E8:27:3D:DA:BD:B9:F4:8C:61" ]

Apple apple-app-site-association

For apple, in Firestore on the "_link_" collection, save it under document "apple". Save the TEAMID.bundleId as an array and save it in the field "apps":

For example under "apple" collection:

apps: [ ]


Set the webUrl in Firestore on the "_link_" collection, using the field name webUrl, if you want to redirect it when device is not detected as Android or iOS.

The path and query parameters will also be added to the web URL. Be careful that it may cause an infinite redirect loop if the link leads to the same place.

You can add some path value.

For example:


If the link as, the resulting web URL will be


If the app is not installed in the an HTML will show in the browser. This can redirect to app store or play store depending on the device.

This is the default value of HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="#{{appIconLink}}" />

    <meta name="application-name" content="#{{appName}}" />

    <meta name="description" content="#{{description}}" />

    <meta property="og:title" content="#{{title}}" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="#{{description}}" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="#{{previewImageLink}}" />
    <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
    <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />

    <meta name="twitter:card" content="#{{description}}" />
    <meta name="twitter:title" content="#{{title}}" />
    <meta name="twitter:site" content="#{{webUrl}}" />
    <meta name="twitter:description" content="#{{description}}" />
    <meta name="twitter:image" content="#{{previewImageLink}}" />

      .centered {
        position: fixed;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif;
        color: white;
        font-size: x-large;
        text-align: center;
      body {
        background-color: black;
    <div class="centered">
      var result = detect.parse(navigator.userAgent);
      var webUrl = "#{{webUrl}}";
      var appStoreUrl = "#{{appStoreUrl}}";
      var playStoreUrl = "#{{playStoreUrl}}";
      if ( === "iOS" && appStoreUrl.length > 0) {
      } else if ("Android") &&
        playStoreUrl.length > 0
      ) {
      } else if (webUrl.length > 0) {
      } else {
        alert("No url to redirect. Inform this to admin.");

It will depend on your design if you want to put the links or redirection urls in the HTML and how to do it.

You can also add these in your HTML that will be replaced by the values in Firestore _link_ collection or the query parameters of the link.

  1. {{webUrl}}

    This will be replaced by webUrl.

  2. "#{{appStoreUrl}}"; This will be replaced by appStoreUrl.

  3. "#{{playStoreUrl}}"; This will be replaced by playStoreUrl.

  4. {{previewImageLink}}

    This will come from the link's query previewImageLink.

  5. {{appName}}

    This will come from the link's query appName.

  6. {{previewText}}

    This will come from the link's query previewText.

  7. {{appIconLink}}

    This will come from the link's query appIconLink.

  8. {{appleAppId}}

    This will come from the link's query appleAppId.

  9. {{description}}

    This will come from the link's query description.

  10. {{redirectingMessage}}

    This will come from the link's query redirectingMessage.

Applying the cloud function

In firebase.json file, you can see this hosting set up:

  // ...
  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "ignore": [
    "appAssociation": "NONE",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "/link{,/**}",
        "function": "link"
        "source": "/.well-known/**",
        "function": "link"
  // ...

The link function will be the function to be shown when the link matches the source.

To apply the cloud function, go to firebase/functions folder and run npm run deploy:link.

To handle the links, you can use Fireflutter's DynamicLinkService class.

DynamicLinkService.instance.init(host: "");

It will be best to initialize it when the context is ready.

By default, DynamicLinkService will handle links with "/post", and "/user" paths.

To add custom Dynamic links, must add the following code:

  host: "",
  onLink: (uri) {
        print("Your custom handler for dynamic link: $uri");

You can also customize the path for posts and users.

    context: globalContext,
    postPath: "/customPost",
    userPath: "/customUser",

The DynamicLinkService has a functionality that allows us to make a link (for example, for sharing a content) in the app.

Example for creating link for post.

Future<void> onPressed() async {
  final Uri link = DynamicLinkService.instance.createPostLink(post!);

Example for creating link for user.

Future<void> onPressed() async {
  final Uri link = DynamicLinkService.instance.createUserLink(user!);

As noticed, DynamicLinkService.instance.createPostLink() and DynamicLinkService.instance.createUserLink() can be used to create links for posts and users.

Not all apps will have same functionalities and each app may require a number of dynamic link variations.

To create a custom dynamic link, you can use DynamicLinkService.instance.createLink() method.

  final Uri link = DynamicLinkService.instance.createLink(
    path = "/product",
    queryParameters = DynamicLinkQueryParameters(
      previewImageLink: "",
      appName: "myAPP",
      appIconLink: "",
      appleAppId: "APPLEAPPID",
      category: "fine-arts",
      otherQueryParameters: {
        "class": "A",
        "productId": "kksS1sS",

The [previewImageLink] will be the image to display on a preview.

The [appName] will be used to display the app name when the app is not installed. This is also used in the preview.

The [appIconLink] will be used to display the app's icon.

The [appleAppId] will be used for the Apple ID so that if the app is not installed, it may show a smart app banner.

The [otherQueryParameters] is a map that allows for other possible values in the query parameters that is not provided by DynamicLinkQueryParameters class.

The resulting link may look like this:

When the app handled the dynamic link, URI will be provided.

To open screen using uri:


The example above is already sufficient if we already have the URI. However, in Fireflutter, we have to set it upon initialization so that we will handle it upon opening the app thru link.

Example Code:

    context: globalContext,
    host: "",
    appName: "My Seller Store App",
    onLink: (uri) {
      // other than "/post" and "/user" onLink will be triggered.
      if (uri.path == "/test") {
        final productId = uri.queryParameters["productId"];
        final category = uri.queryParameters["category"];
        // TODO: add logic that will open the product screen based on your app.

Be noted that if the link is for "/user" or "/post", onLink may not be triggered since it will be handled by Dynamic Link Service.

Customize the path for user and post

To change the path for user or post you can also include the following:

    context: globalContext,
    host: "",
    appName: "Own Amazing App",
    postPath: "/customPostPath",
    userPath: "/customUserPath",
    customUrlScheme: "deeplinkscheme",
    appStoreUrl: "",
    playStoreUrl: "",
    webUrl: "",

Upon creating the links, this will also be used as paths for posts and users.

Based on the example, Dynamic Link Service will now handle links with "/customPostPath" and "/customUserPath" paths for posts and users respectively.

If App is not installed, route to stores

Include these upon initialization:

    context: globalContext,
    host: "",
    appName: "Own Amazing App",
    customUrlScheme: "deeplinkscheme",
    appStoreUrl: "",
    playStoreUrl: "",
    webUrl: "",

In case a user taps the link in a device which has not installed the app, appStoreUrl, playStoreUrl or webUrl will help to redirect the user from the browser.

For customUrlScheme, it may help when some apps (i.e. KakaoTalk) are using in-app browser that prevents the OS from opening your app when the link is tapped. It may open the app if deeplink (for Android) or custom URL scheme (for iOS) was set properly.

ShareButton Widget

Fireflutter provides a default button for sharing post, user or others.

To use:

ShareButton(user: user)

You can also use the ShareButton.textButton.

ShareButton.textButton(post: post)

Or if you want a different content to share:

  onTap: () {
    return DynamicLinkService.instance.createLink(path: "/ownPath");