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  • The user's display_name and photo_url are mirrored from Firestore to the Realtime Database.
  • The user's display_name is also stored in display_name_lowercase (in lowercase) for better searchability in both Firestore and the Realtime Database.

User fields

There are several predefined User schema fields in Flutterflwo. Super library needs more than those.

  • display_name_lowercase: String. It's the lower case of the display_name
  • blockedUsers: List of String. It saves the uid of other users who the login user wants to block.
  • idCardUrl: Image path. If you want users to upload their own ID card, you can upload it on Storage and save the url here. And as you know, user document saves private information like email, phone number which should never reveal to the public. See verification for detail.
  • verified: bool

User Authentication

The Super Library supports Firebase user authentication only.

You can continue using FlutterFlow's authentication methods seamlessly with the Super Library.


Use the UserAvatar widget to display a user's photo. This widget gets user profile photo url from the Realtime Database.

  • No Photo URL: If no photo URL is provided, it shows a user icon.
  • Background Color: The background color is FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).alternate.
  • Foreground Color: The foreground color is FlutterFlowTheme.of(context).primaryText.
No photo url With with photo url
image.png image.png


Use the DisplayName widget to display the display name of a user. This widget displays user's display name from the Realtime Database.

User List View

To list users from the Realtime Database, use the UserListView widget.

Alternative Option

You can also use the built-in FlutterFlow Backend Query to list users from Firestore. This is a fine option if you are not concerned about the cost.

Customizing the UI

You have several options to customize the UI design:

  • Default UI: Use the built-in default UI.
  • Default Component: Use the default component provided.
  • Custom Component: Design your own component.

Horizontal Scrolling

You can make the UserListView display and scroll horizontally.


For examples, visit the Super Library Example.

How to Customize UI Design in UserListView

Step 1: Create UserListIcon Component

  • Parameters:
    • uid (String, required)
    • displayName (String, required)
    • photoUrl (ImagePath, optional)

Step 2: Design UserListIcon Component

  • Customize the design of the UserListIcon component as needed.

Step 3: Create PublicProfileScreen

  • Screen Name: You can name this screen as you like.

Step 4: Add onTap Action to UserListIcon

  • Action: Open the PublicProfileScreen when UserListIcon is tapped.
  • Customization: You can add any action and customize the UI/UX as desired.

Step 5: Design PublicProfileScreen

  • Customize the design of the PublicProfileScreen as needed.

Different UI Design on Each Screen

You can design a different UI on each screen by following these steps:

  1. Design the Component:
    1. Create components to display user in each screen.
  2. Call a Custom Action:
    1. Use a custom action to set the userListTile component.
    2. Example: Component.userListTile = (user) => ...

User Search

The Super Library does not provide UI or code for user search due to FlutterFlow's limitations. Follow these steps to create your own user search:

Setting Up User Search

  1. Add display_name_lowercase Field:
    1. This field will be automatically saved in the Firestore user document.
    2. Add a field named display_name_lowercase in the user schema.
    3. This field will store the lowercase version of the user's display_name.
  2. Search Implementation:
    1. Compare user input in lowercase to the value of display_name_lowercase.
    2. Use the .toLowerCase() method for comparison.

Search Options

You can filter/search the user's display_name_lowercase:

  • Equality Match: Exact match.
  • Partial Match: Match the beginning part of the name.


This is the nature of how FlutterFlow works, so the Super Library does not provide any UI for this feature. For an example, please see the Super Library sample project.

You can also write custom code to search for users in the Realtime Database.

Search Users by display_name (Case-Insensitive)

Example Users

Let’s there are users whose display_name are;

  • Young One
  • younG Two
  • You and Me

Search Criteria

To search for users whose display_name begins with "you" (case-insensitive), you can query Firestore on display_name_lowercase field and display the results in a ListView.

Important Note

Allowing users to search for other users with a single letter, like a, can result in a large number of users being listed. This can lead to spam messages being sent to users whom they don't know. To prevent this, it is recommended to limit the search to words that are longer than 3 or 4 characters. This helps ensure that search results are more specific and reduces the likelihood of spam.



See the custom actions page

Blocking User

Database structure for Blocking

  • We use Firestore to manage blocked users by storing user UIDs in the blockedUsers field within the user document.
    • This approach is beneficial because:
      • It allows easy determination of whether a user is blocked from the user's own document.
      • The blockedUsers field is part of the user's document, so it is automatically loaded and updated in memory, eliminating the need for repeated document reads.
  • To use the user blocking feature in FlutterFlow, create a String array field named blockedUsers in the Users schema in Firestore.
  • Use the blockUser and unblockUser custom actions to manage blocked users:
    • blockUser adds the other user's UID to blockedUsers and mirrors the block list in the Realtime Database.
    • unblockUser removes the other user's UID from blockedUsers and mirrors the block list in the Realtime Database.
  • The uid of other user will be saved in the login user's Firestore document like /users/<uid> { blockedUsers: [ ... ] }.
    • When the user A blocks the B, B's uid is saved in /users/A/{ blockedUsers: [ B ] }.
    • It's the string of uid. Not the reference of the user document.

blocking a user

  • To block a user, you can call blockUser custom action to block a user.
  • When user-A blocks user-B,
    • The blockUser custom action will add B's uid into blockedUsers array field in A's fireestore user document.
      • And, mirror the the B's uid at /blocked-users/A/{ B } in the Reatime Database.
      • And, if the user A has a single chat room with user-B, it will leave the chat room.

Un-blocking a User

  • The unblockUser custom action does the unblocking a user.
    • And it mirror the other user's uid from the Realtime Database.
  • To know if a user is blocked or not, simply do the way how the FlutterFlow goes
    • The blockedUsers is in the login user's document. Meaning, it will be automatically synced with the Authenticated User variable in FlutterFlow.
    • To display if the user is blocked or not, check if the user's uid is in the blockedUsers of Authenticated User.
      • And if the uid exists, then the user is blocked by the login user and the login user can unblock the user.

Listing the blocked users

  • To list all the users that the login user has blocked, simply list the blocked-users whose uid is in blockedUsers in the user's Firestore document.
  • And remove the user from blocked-list, call unblockUser custom action.
  • You may want to see the flutter code to list blocked users.


  • To know if a user is blocked by the login user in FlutterFlow, dig in blockedUsers field in the FlutterFlow authenticated user variable.
  • To know if a user is blocked by the login user in source coding, dig in blockedUsers field in UserService.instance.firestoreUserData.
  • You may use BlockedUser widget for easy use in the widget tree.

Displaying the block and unblock buttons

Exmaple: How to show block or unblock buttons based on the user's blockedUsers field.


To display the list of users that are blocked by login user

Simply display the list of users whose uid is in blockedUsers field. You may add a unblock button beside the user's profile photo.


  • Super library users a special field named verified from user document to check if the user has verified or not.
  • This verified field is for noting that if the user has verified. If the user has verified himself, save true value to this field. Otherwise it can be false or not existing.
  • But how the app should verify a user's identity?

    • It's up to you how you build the logic. You may do so by doing some combination of phone sign-in, and social login, and uploading the ID card.
    • As long as the user follows the verification login, save true to verified field.
  • For testing purpose, you may set the verfied feild to true to a user. So that the user does not have to verify.



This widget listens the login user's document in Firestore and build the UI based on the status of the block.

This widget is usefuly on custom coding. You may not use it in the FlutterFlow canvas directly.


  • We recommend locking the document to prevent unauthorized access. Instead, use the UserAvatar and DisplayName widgets to display user information.
    • This is because the user document in Firestore may contain private information such as phone numbers or email addresses.
    • And the UserAvatar and DisplayName access data from the Realtime Database where there should be no private information.