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Imagine you are building a social app that displays users' tweets, photos, and comments on a scrollable main screen. If your app grows, using Firestore can become expensive due to the costs associated with reading, writing, and downloading the size of documents from Firestore.

Using the Realtime Database is faster, cheaper, and simpler.


The Data provides default CRUD operations for the Realtime Database:

  • readData: Custom action to read data.
  • createData: Custom action to create data.
  • updateData: Custom action to update data.
  • deleteData: Custom action to delete data.
  • DataListView: Widget to display a list of values in a data group.
  • DataChange: Widget that calls a callback action when the data changes. It is used to display the changes of the data on the screen.

With the Comment, you can easily build blog or forum community apps. Refer to the Comment documentation for more details.

Suggested Use Cases

If you want to build the following features in your apps, Data functionality is good;

  • Blogs, News, Reminders
  • Forum (Built-in BBS) based community apps
  • Social apps with listing/scrolling activity wall screen
  • Shopping mall apps
  • Any functionality that related in creating and listing articles


"data": {
  ".read": true,
  "$key": {
    ".write": "newData.child('uid').val() === auth.uid || ( data.child('uid').val() === auth.uid && !newData.exists() )",
    "category": {
      ".validate": "newData.val().length > 0"

Database Structure

To achieve the concept of SSOT (Single Source of Truth), we save all data in the /data node in the Realtime Database.


  • To prevent attacks that involve writing excessively large data (e.g., very long titles or content), you can add security rules to limit the size of these fields.
    • By default, the title is limited in 2048 letters and the content is limited in 65536 letters by the security rules. You can change them and add more rules.

Data Format

  • Data in the Realtime Database is stored in JSON format.
  • The first level of keys in the /data node are the IDs of the data entries.
  • The second level of keys are the properties of each data entry.

Example Structure

/data {
    "key-1": {
        "property-1": "...",
        "property-2": "..."
    "key-2": {
        "property-1": "...",
        "property-2": "..."

Fields of a Node

  • uid: The creator's user ID.
  • category: The category of the data, ordered by recent data(article).
  • order: The order of the data.
  • title: The title of the data.
  • content: The content of the data.
  • urls: URLs of photos and files associated with the data.
  • createdAt: The creation timestamp.
  • updatedAt: The update timestamp.
  • custom fields: You can add as much extra fields as you want.

Example representation:

  /key-1 {
    "category": "qna-1630000000000",
    "order": -1630000000000,
    "uid": "uid",
    "title": "title",
    "content": "content",
    "urls": ["url1", "url2"],
    "createdAt": 1630000000000,
    "updatedAt": 1630000000000

Openning data list screen

  • Create a screen to list the data.
    • Let's name it as DataListScreen.
    • Add a required page parameter named category with the type of String.
  • Insert the DataListView in the body passing the category page parameter.
  • Add a create button on the app bar.
    • When the user taps, open the DataCreateScreen.

Create a data

  • Create a screen to create a data.
    • Let's name it as DataCreateScreen.
    • Add a required page parameter named category with the type of String.
  • Add some text fields with submit button.
    • Text field of title, content would be needed.
    • You can add any extra fields(key/value pair) into the data.
  • When the user taps on the submit button, you can connect the createData custom action like below.
    • For category field, pass the category of page parameter.
    • For title, pass the input text of title.
    • For content, pass the input text of content.
    • For extra field, you need to pass an JSON object. It is a good idea to create a Create Map to save extra keys/values into the data.
    • For urls field, you need to pass a List of String. It can by an empty List.


  • Add onCreate action to navigate back to the DataListScreen.
  • Add onFailure action to dsiplay the error.

List data group by category

  • Create a screen named DataListScreen to display the list of a data group by category.

    • Add a required page parameter named category with the type of String.
  • Add DataListView super library widget into the body

  • Pass the category page parameter to the widget.

Custom design on data list screen

  • If you want to customize the design in DataListView with your component.
  • Create a component named as AppDataListTile. In fact, it can be any name.
  • Simply pass the AppDataListTile to widget builder of the DataListView custom widget.
    • Display the data information in the AppDataListTile component. It's really upto you what information you want to show in your custom design.
    • Add the data parameter of JSON type to your AppDataListTile component.

Display data value in custom design

  • Data passed to your component is in JSON. So, you can use the JSON path to display what's in the data. For instance

    • $.title: the title of the data
    • $.content: the content of the data
    • $.uid: the uid of the creator.
      • You can display the creator's avatar by passing the uid to UserAvatar.
      • You can dispaly the creator's display name by passing the uid to DisplayName.
    • $.createdAt: the timestamp of the data creation.
    • $.urls: the string array of urls that are saved with the data.
    • $.category: the category.
  • You can add and display whatever key/value pairs as much as you want.

    • Below is an example of showing the custom key/value data.


Displaying Data Details

You can design the UI/UX based on your specific needs.

To display full details of the data when tapped from the DataListView or a custom component, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Screen:
  2. Name it DataViewScreen.
  3. Add a required page parameter named data of the JSON type.

  4. Open DataViewScreen:

  5. When an item is tapped in the DataListView, open DataViewScreen with the data parameter.

  6. Design DataViewScreen:

  7. Customize the screen to display the data details.
  8. Consider adding the following buttons:
    • like
    • reply
    • chat
    • block
    • report
    • edit
    • delete
  9. Add a tap action on the user's profile photo to open the user's public profile screen.
  10. Add a tap action to show the original image if displaying thumbnails.

Reactivity of the Data

DataChange widget

The DataChange widget listens and rebuild your component whenever the data changes.

For instance, you build a forum app

  • To reflect the changes of the title,
  • Create a component named PostTitle with a String title parameter.
    • And display the title in the component.
  • Then, add the DataChange widget on your screen(or a component)

    • Passing the dataKey as the data key,
    • and the field as title.
    • Then, add the PostTitle component to the builder of the DataChange widget.
    • pass the widget builder parameter data to title parameter of PostTile
  • To reflect the content and other properties of the data,

  • Create a component named PostData with a JSON data parameter.
    • And display the properties of the data by accessing $.title, $.content, $.uid, $.createdAt, $.urls, and more.
    • Since the parameter of the data is JSON and it has the whole data, you can display whatever you like.
  • Then, add the DataChange widget on yor screen(or a comment)
    • Passing the dataKey as the data key,
    • and the field as null
    • Then pass the PostData to the builder of the DataChange widget.
    • Pass the widget builder parameter data to the data parameter of the PostData.

You can use the DataChange to listen for the realtime update of the data.

Data custom actions




  • You may use readData custom action to read the data on data update screen.


  • onDelete: this callback action will be called if the data has been deleted.
  • onFailure: this callback action will be called if the deletion has failed.

Developer's guide line

To get data of a category in order

final ref = PostService.instance.postsRef

final snapshot = await ref.get();
for (var v in snapshot.children) {
  log('v: ${v.key}, value: ${(v.value as Map)["title"]}');